Got Braces/Ilya Lipkins Accessibility Statement

Got Braces/Ilya Lipkins is committed to facilitating the accessibility and usability of its website, for everyone. Got Braces/Ilya Lipkins aims to comply with all applicable standards, including the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 up to Level AA (WCAG 2.0 AA).

Got Braces/Ilya Lipkins is proud of the efforts that we have completed and that are in-progress to ensure that our website is accessible to everyone. Should you experience any difficulty in accessing any part of this website , please feel free to call us at 201-666-4646 or email us at and we will work with you to provide the information or service you seek through an alternate communication method that is accessible for you consistent with applicable law (for example, through telephone support).


Ilya Lipkin DDS

Adequate Gingiva Display

Canine Alignment

Healthy Bite


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Golden Proportions

Negative Space

Midline Centered

Smile Arc


Adequate Gingiva Display

Canine Alignment

Healthy Bite

Negative Space

Midline Centered

Smile Arc

Golden Proportion

Adequate Gingiva Display

Negative Space

Canine Alignment

Midline Centered

Healthy Bite

Smile Arc

Golden Proportion


SureSmile® Braces

Self-ligating, or tieless, braces do not require the elastic ties that hold the wire in place on the bracket. As a result, they require fewer office visits and adjustments and are smaller and lighter than traditional braces. Patients enjoy the ease of use and more aesthetic appearance of these braces that are available in silver or clear.

SureSmile® Braces

Virtually invisible, there are several advantages clear brackets have over traditional braces and aligners. Clear braces combine tieless braces with high technology archwires that are clinically proven to move teeth fast and comfortably with truly spectacular smile and facial results. Available from skilled orthodontists, clear braces combine the best of traditional metal braces and invisible aligners to deliver a discrete treatment experience with results that go beyond straight teeth.

SureSmile® Braces

Traditional metal braces today attach only to the front of the tooth without the wide and painful bands that used to wrap all the way around. The metal braces we use are small and comfortable. The wire is held in place with either brace-matching silver ties or any color of the rainbow! Many of our younger patients (and some of our adults!) enjoy choosing colors to make their own patterns and change them for holidays, favorite, or school colors.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are a great solution for professionals or for anyone who prefers not to have the braces visible. Lingual braces are placed behind your teeth (on the backs tongue-side or lingual) so that you get the same effective tooth alignment to create a beautiful smile, without everyone realizing you are wearing braces. You can smile with confidence during your treatment as the only thing others will notice is your teeth becoming more aligned as your treatment progresses!


Invisalign Teen combines all the features that make the adult system great with strategic additions that are ideal for teens. The clear, removable aligners of, Invisalign Teen include blue dots that indicate how much they’ve been worn, and some replacement aligners are included.


Invisalign Adult is easily the most well-known braces alternative. Utilizing clear, removable aligning trays rather than braces, you can correct your smile without anyone knowing you are in treatment. And since they are removable, you don’t need to alter your diet or how you brush and floss

Mini-implant Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE)

Mini-implant Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE) is the top non-surgical solution for patients across all age groups seeking palate expansion to help correct the bite, improve constricted airways, and improve obstructive sleep apnea.This minimally invasive technology is transformative and the ideal option for expansion in adults and late teens. Dr. Lipkin is a proponent of this advanced treatment in airway orthodontics and speaks both nationally and internationally to his peers regarding MARPE use and efficacy, making him one of the leading experts in the world.


Early Treatment: Age 7

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends your child’s first orthodontic check up take place no later than age 7. This allows us to catch and treat problems early on, and greatly improve the chance of avoiding the need for surgery or tooth extraction later in life.

Palate Expander

Palate expanders are used when the upper jaw is too narrow to align properly with the lower jaw, or when the width of the upper jaw is causing problems with breathing and eating. Expansion with this simple appliance is only possible while the child is growing and is completed before the palate fuses during puberty. Gentle pressure from the expander on the upper molars is all it takes to encourage the palate to expand at this age.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) has largely gone unrecognized in children but can have serious implications. Although the collapse of soft structures in the back of the mouth and throat while sleeping is what disrupts breathing and sleep, the culprit is most often a narrow upper palate. In children, this often presents as snoring and behavior disorders. OSA can contribute to growth problems, failure to thrive, Type 2 diabetes, ADD, ADHD, and autism. When diagnosed early, treatment focuses on growth oriented orthodontics (jaw expansion, advancement of the upper and/or lower jaws to create room for the tongue and open the airway) and tonsil/adenoid and allergy correction rather than pulling teeth or using headgear (which can actually decrease the airway).

Although 7-8 years of age is an important age for orthodontic correction, we can make a big difference in 3-6 year olds with some non-invasive and timely care.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. Complications can include: snoring, high blood pressure, awakening while gasping for air, daytime drowsiness, diabetes, and many more! Misaligned teeth or jaws could be the cause and straight teeth could be the cure! Dr. Lipkin is trained to treat OSA in both children and adults.

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TADs, or temporary anchorage devices, are used often in place of headgears to hold certain teeth in place while providing anchorage to move others. TADs also assist in advanced movements that may otherwise require surgery such as closing an open bite. They anchor into the gums and can easily be placed and removed in the office with only a local anesthetic and can reduce treatment time.


TruDenta® is a life changing treatment that can provide effective, long term relief of TMJ/TMD, chronic migraines and headaches and other painful conditions. This pain-free, drug-free and needle-free system can provide long lasting relief using clinically proven devices typically used in sports medicine to evaluate and treat head pain.

During your exam Dr. Lipkin will evaluate your range of motion, bite force balance using 3-D digital technology, and trigger points to customize an effective treatment plan to relieve pain and improve jaw function.


When bite problems are too extensive to correct with appliances alone, surgery may be the best option. Dr. Lipkin uses advanced software combined with 3-D digital images of the patient’s teeth, jaws, and soft tissue to put together an orthodontic/surgical plan that addresses all of the discrepancies with the highest possible precision for the optimal result. Once the plan is determined and set in motion, thermally activated wires are bent with robotic precision and the teeth move into the ideal position so the bite fits together effortlessly during surgery. In the hands of an expert, these advanced tools take the “guesswork” out of the equation and provide excellent results and less time in treatment.